Side Hustle
I recently read Justin’s article on Side Hustles again, and decided to take a slightly different angle, and inventory my previous side hustles. Well, here they are in all their glory:
- Watch eCom Business in NYC (2013)
- Biz Dev consulting for Text to Ticket (2016)
- Marketing Consulting for Phalanx (2018)
- Marketing Consulting for MMA Bobblehead (2018)
- Bolivian Bracelets Shopify Store (2018)
- Guap Program Manager (2020)
Not a lot, is there? Nearly all of them are trading time for money as well, which I don’t think really counts.
That’s my problem: thinking, prepping, doing online courses, writing down ideas but not launching. I think I forget that doing anything for the first time, I’m going to suck.
Good news is, I’m ready to suck, and I have a good idea. See you on the other side.
Let’s go!